Seek and Save Hosanna House
Fifteen thousand people call the village of Shabalala home. It is nestled on the edge of the Kruger National Park in Mpumalanga, South Africa and thousands of tourists drive past it on their way on an African safari. With a fifty percent unemployment rate and thirty-four percent HIV/Aids infection rate it is a place most people want to avoid.
But here, in the hearts of this challenging society we partnered with a vibrant , local church and the entire community to establish a Seek and Save Hosanna Community Center. It is a place built to care for orphaned and vulnerable children in the community. Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) The Seek and Save Center is the new epicenter of ongoing care for these children. Providing a safe haven, daily food, medical care, education - specializing in spiritual and character development, sustainable farming, entrepreneurial initiatives, sports, computer and leadership training, to name a few. Destinies are literally altered, futures created and hope instilled in a loving and wholesome environment overseen by a caring church family. Constructed in 2018, between 80 and 100 kids are enrolled in this dynamic program and participate on a regular basis. We provide around 5,000 meals a month to these children and they receive free medical care, computer learning, spiritual and character training, and even sustainable farming education. They love play time and have a lot of fun each day. our children excel in school and we love to see them receive recognition and awards in their respective schools. We love to visit with Seek and Save Missions Teams and bless these precious kids with clothes, presents, gifts and lots of love. Your donations enable us to impact precious lives by getting involved in their care in a family-friendly, loving way. It is amazing to witness destinies being shaped, hopeful futures emerge and leadership traits arise in these precious kids. In 2017 we provided a backpack filled with a new set of clothes and new shoes for every child at the OVC Center. We celebrated 104 children by throwing the biggest combined birthday party the village has seen! Some of these kids birthdays have not even been registered much less celebrated. Their faces, dances, shouts of joy and tears of appreciation warmed our hearts changed our lives. Our partners are simply the best! Thank you for helping us to bring joy into the hearts of these precious ones." - Rudi
Comprehensive Care ProgramThe Orphan Initiative is a partnership between Seek and Save, a local vibrant church and community leaders to give hope to the most vulnerable children in the village of Shabalala. The Seek and Save Hosanna OVC Center provides food, medical care, character and spiritual training, digital learning, sustainable farming, sport, arts, crafts and entrepreneurial training.
We are a 501(c)3 Non Profit Organization. All donations are tax deductible according to IRS regulations.
You can donate in a variety of ways. Please click on the link below for more information.
You can donate in a variety of ways. Please click on the link below for more information.