Dynamic Partnerships
Seek and Save is all about establishing and nurturing partnerships with dynamic groups and churches to make a definite impact in communities around the world. We have partnered with Convoy of Hope in Oklahoma City where 490 people boldly and publicly invited Jesus to be their Lord and Savior during a city wide outreach in a local park and in Woodbridge, Virginia where over 300 invited Jesus to be their Lord and Savior. We have done a community VBS in Eau Claire, WI alongside 5 churches in the community with dozens responding the the call for salvation. We partner with the SAGU Valor School of Leadership in Griffin, GA facilitating their annual student missions outreach in Africa seeing over 10,000 salvations on each trip. Schools, both private and public, have invited us to chapels, harvest carnivals and other events to inspire students with family-friendly and powerful life-lessons. Everywhere we go we gladly place a Seek and Save book into the hands of the children.